Citysuites 24 Logo Booking
Booking Form

Found the suite of your taste? Checked the suite's availability during your stay? Then you are just two steps away from booking it.

Step One: Please fill out the booking form below, selecting your favorite suite. Hovering over a field provides further information. All fields need to be filled - except for the optional Comment field. Advance by pressing the Continue button. In case you want to clear all fields and start over, press the Clear button.

Step Two: Once you've pressed the Continue button you'll be transfered to the next page where you get a chance to verify your entries for correctness and complete your booking.

First Name:   Info First Name can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, apostrophes, periods, hyphens.
Last Name: Info Last Name can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, apostrophes, periods, hyphens.
Street: Info Street can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, apostrophes, periods, hyphens, forward slashes.
Number: Info Street Number can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, periods, hyphens, forward slashes and commas.
Zip-Code: Info Zip-Code can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, periods, hyphens, forward slashes.
City: Info City can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, apostrophes, periods, hyphens, forward slashes and commas.
Country: Info Country can consist of: Letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, apostrophes, hyphens, forward slashes.
Phone: Info Phone Number can consist of: numbers, blanks, hyphens, the special characters / + and brackets ( ).
Email: Info Email address: We send the booking confirmation to this email address.
Persons: Adults: Info Number of Adults: Please note that the suite has a maximal capacity for 2 adults and 1 child or 1 adult and 2 children.   Children: Info Number of Children: Please note that the suite has a maximal capacity for 2 adults and 1 child or 1 adult and 2 children.
Arrival: Day: Info Earliest Arrival Day: 28 July 2024   Month:   Year:
Expected Arrival Time at Suite:
Departure: Day: Info Earliest Departure Day: 29 July 2024   Month:   Year:
Comment: Info Your Comment can consist of: Letters, numbers, underscores, blanks, hyphens, apostrophes,
the punctuation marks ! ? : ; , .
the characters / ~ @ # $ % ^ *
the brackets ( ) [ ] { }